Grundtvig course September 2013

Grundtvig course in VerdenTeamwork

Training and Facilitation Techniques for Education in Straw Bale Building “Infill – Technique” European Workshop for Educators and Trainers


The educational approach is
essentially interactive and heuristic:
teachers and students are
“collaborators”, with tudents learning
through discovery and experience.

Date: Sunday, 22th September – Tuesday, 1rst October 2013
Arrival between 4:00 and 6:00 pm
Dinner 6:00 pm
Closing date: 30th April 2013
Information: You will find a description of the course here
Application: For funding and application contact your NA
Funding in this program will only be provided for Non-germans
Eine Förderung gibt es in diesem Programm nur für Nichtdeutsche.
Deutsche können aber an dem Kurs teilnehmen, sie müssen nur selbst für die Kosten aufkommen.
22. Sept. Sunday: 4:00 pm, arrival
Evening: 6:00 pm dinner
Introduction to the course, to the eco center Verden ans the building site (five-storied straw bale building)
23. Sept. Monday Building a smal shelter, safety introduction, straw talks, burning test
Evening Presentation, introduction to the teaching methods (ECVET …)
24. Sept. Tuesday Preparing the wood structure for infill construction
Evening Introduction to building with straw bales
25. Sept. Wednesday Fill in the straw (two methods)
Evening „Stroh im Kopf“ (movie, english version)
26. Sept. Thursday Fixing the windows, preparing the wall for plaser
Evening Earth and lime plaster (theory)
27. Sept. Friday Plaster the elements with earth (base coat)
Evening Theory water protection for straw bale construction (theory)
28. Sept. Saturday Plaster the elements with lime (base coat)
Evening Slide show eco-village „Sieben Linden“
29. Sept. Sunday Excursion to the eco-village „Sieben Linden“
Evening Feed back to the excursion
30. Sept. Monday Plaster elemetns with earth (finish coat)
Evening Network, questions
01. Oct. Tuesday Finishing, cleaning, feedback and farewells
2:00 pm departure


You can bring the horse to the water,

but you can´t force it to drink.
Drinking is its own,
but even, when it is thirsty
it can not drink,
when you do not guide it to the water.
Guiding is your turn.

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